
EMDA 410
Cultures of Video Gaming


This is my strongest, most prized passion.

I consume this industry daily.

There are countless conversations and discussions to be had.

I aimed to have every project reflect my love for the industry.

Remember.... Every experience is worth trying.

Video Game Reviews

Reviews Video Essay Reviews Written Essay # Element Branches Diagram

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Review Template Diagram (Version 2)

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Review Template Diagram (Version 1)

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Review Template Diagram (Version 0)

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All Diagram Assets

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Reviews Scans # Reviews Notes Video Essay Game Media Notes # Video Essay Thumbnail Reviews Showcase

Video Game Trends

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Trends Diagram (Version 2.2)

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Trends Diagram (Version 2.1)

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Trends Diagram (Version 1) v2.png Trends Diagram (Test) Trends Diagram Timelapse Timelapse Work Hours Calculation Trends Document trend.png Trends Note (1) trend2.png Trends Note (2) trend3.png Trends Note (3) trend4.png Trends Note (4) Trends Showcase

Video Game Experiences

Experiences Written Essay Experiences Showcase

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Infamous Drawings (2010)

Experimental Gameplay Workshop

EGW Written Essay EGW Showcase

Jonathon Blow

Jonathon Blow Document Jonathon Blow Showcase


Baseplate/First (Play) Baseplate/First (Download) Dodge (Play) Dodge (Download) Maze (Play) Maze (Download) Place (Play) Place (Download) Roblox Showcase

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Roblox Questions for My Sister


Please describe your current computer setup. Are you on Windows or Mac? Do you play computer or video games, and which ones?

PC Desktop, Windows 10. Yes, I play a wide variety of games. I think that it's valuable to let you know that the video game industry is one of the few I have a lot of passion for and I am very familiar with it when it comes down to specific games, developers, publishers, news, events, etc. I do my best to keep up on things in my day-to-day life.

Survey Showcase


Link to Dys4ia Game Dys4ia Showcase


Entire Video Playlist

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Cultures of Video Gaming Scans

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