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H2WFAIP Commercial
Another project in CSB where we had to show what we learned from the book How to Win Friends and Influence People. Got a ton of enjoyment from making this because it just turned out great!
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Radical Infographic
This is one of the infographics that I am most proud of because, at first, I did not know what I was going to do for this project, but then I began to plan everything out and I finally got around to getting it all to fit in place in the photo editing program.
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CSB Handbook Video
For CSB, my team and I had to make a video on the last couple rules in the CSB Handbook so we made this! Again, had a lot of fun making it because it was a video and had some nice editing and funny parts implemented.
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2018 BIS Exhibition Poster
I made this poster very recently and had a very enjoyable time making it. I began by finding a simple color scheme and font for the whole poster. After I got these two components (my favorite part of the whole thing), I started placing the necessary information into the graphic. Once this was finished, I colored/brightened certain things differently and organized everything in a lined up and boxed up fashion. It was just a ton of fun to make!
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Arduino C++ Programming
In programming class, we spent a lot of our time on two big projects. One was the Arduino clock project and the other was the Arduino “game box” project, both totaling over 5,000 lines of code! Here, I have included some videos and images demonstrating those projects.
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A Unified Korea Infographic
After learning a lot about the Koreas, we had to put together a huge graphic that, for me, involved a two-step process in development. I started myself off by making the map of the two countries and then I continued by placing that into a bigger image file and placing my information all around it in a nice, beautiful, and cohesive way.
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Business Plan
The business plan was an immense project at the end of my junior year in CSB. I spent so many hours putting everything together and I thought that I wasn’t going to even finish in time for the strict deadline, but somehow I did just in the nick of time. It was a crazy and unforgettable experience.
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Global Citizen Image
I really liked how this image turned out because I went for another style that was clean and straight to the point. My favorite part was putting the text and myself behind the city, as well as the circle versions of the flags in the corner.
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Tufts Video
For this project, me and my friends decided to have some fun with it and do everything together in a video game! It was a lot of fun for me to edit this, sync the music to the footage, add text, etc. We loved how it turned out and were very excited to present it to the class at the end of our junior year in high school.
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Great Gatsby Characters
This was a project I had finished after reading The Great Gatsby and watching the 2013 film when I was a junior. I just absolutely loved the way I made the graphic that connects each big character in the story and the massive document I had constructed for the analysis of each character. Just extraordinary!
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Great Gatsby Analysis
This was a project I had finished after reading The Great Gatsby and watching the 2013 film when I was a junior. I just absolutely loved the way I made the graphic that connects each big character in the story and the massive document I had constructed for the analysis of each character. Just extraordinary!
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Career Interest Infographic
For CSB, my block class, each student had to find some of their own career interests online and create a graphic on three of them. I liked how this graphic turned out a lot because it has such a professional and unique look to it (though there is a lot of text).
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Writing Skills In Action
It is best if just read on its own....
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Cop and Anthem News Story
After reading the story The Cop and the Anthem, my team and I had to make a video on it and we decided to make the whole thing into a news story. It took me forever to edit this 4k footage but it turned out really nice and I incredibly enjoyed doing the edits that I did in this (I learned a lot in video editing for this project)!
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2017-18 CHS Yearbook Cover
Every year, the block class of CSB has every student create their own yearbook cover for Crater High School. This one that I made was picked out among the bunch for a second voting. I am not sure if it won but I am sure that it looks really nice and quite professional.
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2018 Crater Orange Out Flyer
This was extremely enjoyable to make because I wanted to go for a super simplistic style and I thought it turned out very nice and professional looking.
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Kaffir Boy Critical Response
I was told by one of the instructors in CSB, Mike Rogan, that I had ton an incredible job on my previous assignments, such as this one right here and the “Unified Korea” graphic, so I thought I would, of course, include this in my showcase on my portfolio. After reading a portion (130 pages) of the book Kaffir Boy, I wrote a critical response to what I had just read. In this response, I go very in-depth and include examples in the book to help state my thorough points.
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Bisapalooza Poster
I made this poster for the annual Bisapalooza event where every class has a different activity outside for the kids who come and visit from the neighboring schools to participate in. I really enjoyed making this particular graphic because I got to experiment with a more simplistic style and cleaner look to everything (with the exception of noise).
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Crater Powder Puff Flyer
For this graphic, I wanted to go for another one of my unique techniques so I took some clouds, got a tall serif font, draw some lines and boxes, and added some effects like noise and shadows. I thought it looked amazing!
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Spanish Promo Video
For our final in Spanish, our teacher, Mrs. Williams, was nice enough to make it a video project. My team and I decided to make a commercial centered around “Hueles Eso?”, a questionable product that made things smell good. I had lots of pleasure directing, filming, and editing this video because I just really enjoy doing that sort of thing (especially when things like music and video queues lineup, something looks cool/perfect/professional, or something turns out to be really funny)!
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College Data Infographic
This was a lot of fun to make because I got to learn a lot more about the college I was going to attend and I got to try different techniques with putting a lot of information into a single graphic.
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Aquaponics Lab Report
Near the end of my sophomore year at Crater High School, our science teacher had assigned the class a massive aquaponics project. This is most likely the biggest project I have constructed in Crater High School so far. I had to include everything I had generated in this assignment, from the ideas for the blueprint of the aquaponics system I had discovered online, to each and every piece of the poster we were required to make for our system, including various pictures and information on how we had completed the whole entire project. I very much enjoyed working on this aquaponics project because I got to work along with a team (but as always I did a lot of the work). Surprisingly, our aquaponics system had won the best in the entire class and was the one used to conduct all of the rest of our experiments on and collect all of our data that we would need in order to complete the rest of the project for our final display. I chose this piece as my first segment of writing because it shows that I can still work well with a team and put a lot of hard work into what I am doing when I am focused, driven, and motivated to do so.