M y P e r s o n a l L e g e n d

I think that the definition of a personal legend is something that is already set out for you to do and accomplish in your life - you just have to find it. In my mind, I feel that my personal legend is to continue doing great in school, getting all A’s, and then moving onto college to help put focus onto my future career. I will focus on school, complete all of my assignments with tons of effort, and hopefully maybe even study in things that I am interested in at classes in school. Once I finish all of this hard work in high school I shall move onto finding a college and attending one to further improve my skills to help find myself a career for my future. I am not sure which college to go to at the moment yet, but I am certain I will attend a college to help improve the skills I will need for my future career. The college I am currently considering out of any is Southern Oregon University since it was quite nearby and seems like a pretty good school to go to. And next for my career, I am also still not quite sure about what I would like to do for my future career but I am certain it will have much to do with technology. Hopefully everything will go well and I will at least end up with a good job that I genuinely enjoy and have a good life in the future. At the moment, I am still interested in editing for a company that uploads content online for many people to watch. I think I shall start off with an internship in Los Angeles, California and then hopefully get a full-time job there and edit for them. But then again, I am not quite sure about what exactly I will be doing in the future - these are all just thoughts. Whatever happens after high school, I just hope to get a wonderful job that I enjoy doing, live in a nice apartment, drive a nice, safe car, eat and live healthy, make new friends while keeping my old ones close still, and overall a fun and happy life.

Smart Goals

Short-Term Goals

- High School -

Set one academic goal for the school year.

“My academic goal for the rest of High School is to receive a 90% or greater (an A) in all of my classes, maintaining my 4.0 GPA, by the end of High School through extremely hard work, communication with instructors and others that can be helpful, immense effort, concentration, focus, drive, and tons of paying attention, understanding, and studying on new lessons each and every day for quizzes/tests/exams to ultimately exceed expectations in the classroom.”


My academic goal for the school year is to get all A’s in all of my classes.


I want to get all A’s in all of my classes (at least 90% in my classes).

Small Steps

To achieve this goal I’ve set, I will pay more attention in my classes, understand everything necessary to exceed expectations in class, study a lot for quizzes/tests/exams, and work even harder in class (spend tons of time working and putting tons of effort into my work in each class).


I will need to get all A’s in all of my classes by the end of trimester 2 (3-09-17) and trimester 3 (6-14-17).


I will be monitoring my grades (percentages) on synergy (the website that keeps track of my grades), but I will also be communicating with my teachers to know more about my grade/progress in the class.

Set a goal related to either an extracurricular activity, a job, or an internship.

“My second main goal during High School will be to get a job by the end of High School (at least) that pays anything, as long as it is reasonable, through first getting my license, applying for any businesses that I can feel comfortable working at and are looking for teenagers to work with over the summer, showing the employers that I can be a very hardworking employee with various skills, an awesome team player, and a great solver of any problems that are thrown my way.”


Another goal I would like to set for myself is to get a job before the beginning of summer.


I just want to get any job that I could do and make some money from.

Small Steps

To achieve this goal, I will have to get my license, apply for many jobs that I could certainly do, and show the employers that I can be a hardworking employee.


I need to complete this goal of getting a job at least before the beginning of summer, so then that way I will be ahead of the “competition” (the other teenagers applying for jobs in the summertime).


I guess I will have to monitor this goal by checking in with the employers at the places that I am looking to work at and apply for jobs at. I will also look out for any employers that try to reach me back and hopefully take them up on the offer, if they offer a job to me.

Intermediate-Term Goals

- College Years -

Set one academic goal related to your post–secondary education, which may include goals for a community college or university, technical or vocational school, or the military.

“My academic goal related to my post-secondary education is to first attend Rogue Community College as soon as I can to work for and receive my associate's degree, and then afterwards go to Southern Oregon University to work for and receive my bachelor’s degree, all by paying a lot of attention in my classes to my professors/instructors, understanding everything that I am taught in those classes and need to understand in order to ensure a good future, and of course work extremely hard to do great in each of my classes, study, and get my intended degrees in the end hopefully (all of this completed in the coming years after High School and life).”


My goal after high school, is to go to Rogue Community College for a few years, get an associates degree there, and then go to Southern Oregon University for my bachelors degree.


After high school, I will get my associates degree at Rogue Community College and then get my bachelors degree at Southern Oregon University.

Small Steps

To achieve these goals, I will have to pay attention in each of my classes, understand everything I need to understand, and work extremely hard to do great in each of my classes and get my intended degrees in the end hopefully.


I want to do all of this after high school, as soon as I can in a way (at least within the next few years of my life).


I will have to monitor this goal by checking in for when I will get accepted into the colleges and check into each of my classes to see how I am doing to get to my degree in the end.

Set one social, personal, or job–related goal for the years following high school graduation.

“My other main goal after High School within the nearby years of my life, is to get a job, that pays at least $10 (or more would be great) an hour, after High School (this could be a previous job if plausible/possible) within the following years, by applying for any businesses that are in need of some work and I am interested and comfortable in working there, and also showing the employers how much I care about working and how I can help their businesses in both big and small ways, so then this way I can have a good, steady source of at least some income to go with my savings during college, my secondary education.”


I would like to get a job that I would enjoy doing after high school that could either be fulltime (better in a way, but more stressful most likely) or part time (worse in a way, but less stressful).


I just want to get a job that pays at least $10 an hour.

Small Steps

To accomplish this goal, I would apply for many places that are looking for people to work and show how much I care about working there.


It would be great to get a job that I would enjoy doing pretty much immediately after high school (so at least in June of next year).


I guess I will monitor this by, as I said before, applying for places that I would be extremely interested in working at, showing my passion and determination for working in that certain industry, and check in on my application with the employers every once in awhile.

Long-Term Goals

- Post College Years -

Set one career–related goal following your completion of post–secondary education (this may be immediately after or go as long as 5 – 10 years into your career).

“I don’t have any specific career related goal, but I would just say that I would love to work at an amazing company that I enjoy working at, with cool people that I care to work for and with, by first finding this wonderful place, applying for maybe an internship or maybe just a fulltime job, and then start off from there, understanding daily tasks and problems, figuring out the whole routine at the business and starting a great relationship with them there.”


I don’t have anything specific in mind for my future currently and that is why all of these goals seems vague and quite generic. But as I said before, I would apply for the place that I really want to work at, do an internship there if there is one available, and then, after all of that time and experience, I will hopefully be able to get a full time job with the company.


I don’t really know how to “quantify” this. I would just like to work at a nice place that I enjoy working for and representing. As long as the job pays for food, shelter, and other things I would need.

Small Steps

To accomplish this goal of mine of getting a job that I really want since I will enjoy it so much, I would apply for the job I want, or an internship, work with the company and see how I feel actually working there, and then after all of that time and experience, I would hopefully be able to get a full time job there at my “dream company”.


Again, this is vague, but I would want to get this “dream job” at least within 5 years after my “secondary education”/college.


I guess I will monitor this vague goal by, as I’ve said many times now, looking out for any positions I would be interested in, applying for that position or an internship related to that position, and checking in with the employers for “my status” with them.

Set one social, personal, or financial goal for the 5 – 10 years after completion of post–secondary education.

“Overall, I just want to have a good education, through first High School, next College, and then find, apply, and hopefully be able to work at an amazing place that I enjoy working at, with awesome people that I care to work with/for, live in a nice apartment, live a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy, drive a nice, safe car, and in the end, just a good life after all of the hard work in school and getting the job in the first place (and then also working to keep the job that I’ve worked so hard for, since the beginning).”


(This is a very general goal because I cannot set any specific goals for myself since I don’t know exactly what I will be doing in the future at all really) Five to ten years after the completion of post-secondary education, I would like to have a job that I enjoy doing, a home (apartment), good health (eat healthy and live healthy), a nice car, and overall just have a good life after all of the schooling and hard work to get a job that I really enjoy doing.


I would like to make at least $15 (or whatever can get me through the years for food and shelter and whatever else is necessary) at my job that I enjoy working at, a nice apartment that fulfills my small needs and does not cost too much/overpriced, a nice, safe car, and, like I said, (can’t make this very specific/detailed) just overall a good life after all of the schooling and immense effort to get the job I will really want.

Small Steps

To complete this goal, I would get my associates degree at Rogue Community College, my bachelor's degree at Southern Oregon University, any other schooling necessary to get the “dream job” I would like to get, find that job, apply for it, check in for my “status”, maybe get an internship there to start off, then move on to getting a full time job there, find a nice apartment that isn’t too spendy, have/get a nice car, stay healthy throughout, and in the end just have a good life with a job I enjoy doing. Maybe make some more friends along the way, if I never stayed with them in the first place.


This is quite vague, but I would like to complete this goal of mine at least 10 years after the completion of post-secondary education.


I would monitor this goal by setting small goals throughout my life either in my head or on some paper or in a document and checking up on myself to see how far I have gotten until I feel satisfied with my life at that point in time.