---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mouse 1 or 2 (hold & drag) - drag canvas mouse 2 - change background color of canvas mouse 3 - change hover color ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- arrow left - rotate left arrow right - rotate right arrow up - increase rotation amount arrow down - decrease rotation amount ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ctrl - reset rotation amount shift - reset rotation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- enter - cycle cursor ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- backslash (\) - show/hide all variable text ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- space - show/hide window backspace - cycle window color bracket left ([) - decrease window size bracket right (]) - increase window size ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- equals (=) - partially fill grid (black) dash (-) - partially fill grid (white) zero (0) - partially fill grid (same random color) nine (9) - partially fill grid (different random color) eight (8) - partially fill grid (individually random colors) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- forward slash (/) - fill grid (black) period (.) - fill grid (white) comma (,) - fill grid (same random color) m - fill grid (different random color) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- quotation (') - change hover color to black semicolon (;) - change hover color to white l - change hover color to current random hover color (not working) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- z - unlocks canvas (on hold) x - locks/unlocks canvas (on press) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- h - help menu (not added yet) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------